If you could go back and meet yourself 10, 20, 30, even 50 years ago – what would you say? What life advice would you give your younger self? Would you help yourself avoid heartache? Would you treat it like a time travel movie, and try to prevent something bad from happening? Or do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

However you frame it, most people have an idea of what they’d like to tell their younger selves. Here are some pieces of advice we rounded up from others — share your advice with us in the comments!


Think before you act.


Not every situation in life is under your control.


Make your education a priority.


Be independent.


Get yourself out of your comfort zone.


Tell your parents you love them every day.


Trust your gut.


Read more.


Exercise more and challenge your physical limits.


Don’t take that first drag of cigarette.


First save, then invest.


Travel… “The destination doesn’t matter, the experience does.”


Smile at people.


Don’t judge others. You are not perfect; neither are they.


Don’t give up. You are stronger than you think you are.


Don’t take anything for granted.


Learn to let go.


Sometimes a failure might just turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.


Your relationship with your parents may never improve. Don’t let this affect your other relationships.


Don’t spend so much on stuff you rarely/never use. Learn to budget.


Indifference causes more damage than outright hatred.


People you love will die. Sometimes unexpectedly. But you are going to be alive even after them. Use their death as a reason to celebrate life, not as an excuse to give up on it.