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So far Amazing Care Network has created 471 blog entries.

Let’s Not Lose Sight of Patient Experience with Virtual Care

2022-10-07T19:30:01-08:00June 17th, 2021|Categories: Health, What's New|

Strategies are needed that take most, if not, all of the burden away from the patient so that RPM enhances their experience with their care. Both telehealth and RPM have those elements needed to improve

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Aiding Her Dying Husband, a Geriatrician Learns the Emotional and Physical Toll of Caregiving

2022-10-07T19:30:02-08:00June 1st, 2021|Categories: Health, What's New|

The loss of a husband. The death of a sister. Taking in an elderly mother with dementia. This has been a year like none other for Dr. Rebecca Elon, who has dedicated her professional life

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