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So far Amazing Care Network has created 448 blog entries.

Protecting against cognitive decline

2024-07-10T07:09:33-08:00July 10th, 2024|Categories: Amazing Articles, Health, Tips, What's New|Tags: , |

While there's currently no treatment that can prevent or cure dementia, researchers have identified some factors that may help protect you from cognitive decline. Exercise Exercise offers an impressive array of health benefits. Not only

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Standard emergency care: What does it entail?

2024-07-04T06:34:35-08:00July 4th, 2024|Categories: Amazing Articles, Health, Tips, What's New|Tags: , |

If your heart stops beating and you stop breathing, the first step in emergency care is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)—a combination of chest compressions, artificial respiration, and defibrillation to shock the heart back into a steady

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Stress Management: Enhance your well-being by reducing stress and building resilience

2024-07-02T06:39:37-08:00July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Amazing Articles, Health, Tips, What's New|Tags: |

While some stress is inevitable, when your body repeatedly encounters a set of physiological changes dubbed the stress response, trouble can brew. Stress may contribute to or exacerbate various health problems. But it’s possible

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June’s Letter From the CEO

2024-07-02T06:41:26-08:00July 1st, 2024|Categories: Amazing Articles, Letters from the CEO, What's New|Tags: , |

Dear Friends,I’ve just finished reading Life After the Diagnosis, a book written by Dr. Steven Pantilat, who practices palliative care medicine in San Francisco.  The book offers acute observations about what happens when people receive

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Positive Psychology: Harnessing the power of happiness, mindfulness, and inner strength

2024-06-26T06:53:51-08:00June 26th, 2024|Categories: Amazing Articles, Health, Tips, What's New|Tags: |

Positive emotions have been linked with better health, longer life, and greater well-being in numerous scientific studies. On the other hand, chronic anger, worry, and hostility increase the risk of developing heart disease, as people

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