“Old Age” Enters a New Age: Dramatic shifts in demography and Americans’ views of aging revealed in new Harris Poll study conducted by Age Wave

2024-01-02T02:41:41-08:00August 16th, 2023|Categories: Aging, Amazing Articles, Caregiving, What's New|

Unique representative study investigates changing views on longevity and aging across health, retirement, and purpose.A revealing new Harris Poll conducted by the firm Age Wave has confirmed substantial shifts in Americans' perceptions of aging and

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Want to reduce your risk of dementia? Get your hearing checked today

2023-06-09T06:23:16-08:00March 23rd, 2023|Categories: Aging, Amazing Articles, Health, Tips, What's New|

A new study shows that, although hearing loss increases your risk of dementia, using hearing aids lessens that risk. Are you having a little trouble hearing conversations? If so, you’re not alone. An estimated 23%

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“Wow! She really ate well!” 4 Things Caregivers Can Do to Improve an Older Person’s Appetite

2022-11-23T04:10:25-08:00October 25th, 2022|Categories: Aging, Amazing Articles, Health, Tips, What's New|

I have a dear friend who is incredibly accomplished and independent. I’ve always loved visiting with and hearing about her adventures — including sailing around the world on a sailboat when she was well

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