January 14 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
I’m delighted to invite you to the inaugural meeting of the Rhode Island chapter of the Amazing Care Network. Dave Antonelli gave me your name and suggested you might find our organization and our first meeting of interest. Please come as my guest on January 14 at 11:30 am. We will meet at The Safe House, 195 Old Forge Rd, East Greenwich.
What can you expect from this meeting? You will hear an introduction from me about the Amazing Care Network, an organization I founded 7 years ago to deal with concerns/issues I faced in caregiving for my husband. It turned out that many people shared those concerns as well as a strong desire to be pro-active in aging well and being informed about things that can impact us and our loved ones as well age. You can learn more about us through our website: https://www.amazingcarenetwork.com/about/.
I’ve hosted these events in the past in 4 cities. My most active chapter is in Honolulu, Hawaii where members meet and learn from each other as well as from speakers who are experts in their fields. When we meet in January, you will hear from Pat Bemis, a retired ICU nurse and active with educational programs for AARP in Hawaii. She will speak on caring for loved ones with dementia/cognitive impairment.
I do hope you can join us, and I so look forward to meeting you. An invitation will be sent to you shortly.
Safehouse Modern Neighborhood Eatery
195 Old Forge Rd
East Greenwich, RI 02818