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SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

10:00 AM (Hawaii) 1:00 PM (Pacific) 4:00 PM (Eastern)

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About The Webinar:

As working adults, many of us purchased life insurance policies to protect our loved ones from financial burden if something should happen to us.  We maintained these life insurance policies well into our senior years.  Now our children have grown, our mortgages are paid in full and for some, the reasons for needing life insurances policies no longer exist.

500,000 seniors a year walk away from their life insurance policies – leaving over $100 billion of benefits behind.  There is another option – life insurance settlements.  Policies can be sold for cash which can be used for anything including caregiving needs that are not covered by insurance.  Come learn all about life insurance settlements – their history, regulation, how much policies can be worth, what type of policies can be sold, if this is an alternative funding source for you and more!

Meet The Speaker: Lisa Rehburg

Lisa Rehburg is President of Rehburg Life Insurance Settlements, a life insurance settlements broker.  Lisa has been in the health and life insurance industries for over 30 years.  Ms. Rehburg is energized by helping clients benefit from unwanted or unneeded life insurance policies.  Rehburg Life Insurance Settlements represents clients to maximize the value for their policy.    She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Finance and a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Development.  She can be reached at (714) 349-7981, lrehburg@aol.com or www.rehburglifesettlements.com.



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