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April 13th, 1PM PST

Please join us in welcoming Baxter Bell, MD, who will share with us why yoga may be one of the best lifestyle medicine choices for this unique time. He will share his insights into the unique benefits of the tools of yoga to support well-being, vitality and immune function, from both his perspective as a western trained family physician and a yoga therapist and yoga educator. Baxter will also discuss the potential yoga has in addressing the challenges of the Covid19 pandemic. And who knows, we may even get to do a little bit of yoga together!

About The Speaker: Baxter Bell

Baxter Bell, MD, is a certified yoga therapist, medical acupuncturist, yoga educator, physician and co-author of the book, Yoga for Healthy Aging. He has been a yoga practitioner since 1993, a yoga instructor since 1999, and has been teaching aspiring yoga teachers and yoga therapists for the last 18 years. Learn more about Baxter at www.baxterbell.com

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