It’s hard to believe that summer is quickly coming to an end. My Facebook feed is full of pictures of first days of school from kindergarten to college. My son is off to his sophomore year at college and along with it has come the new adventure of renting his first house with a group of college buddies. I think it’s safe to say that there are lots of conversations happening. Whether it’s “Don’t take candy from a stranger” to “Don’t drink and drive” conversations. One of our responsibilities as adults is to find a safe place to discuss difficult topics. With my son, the safe place is on the family room couch. The topic of discussion this time is “How does a responsible adult take care of their home, paying bills, taking out the garbage, doing dishes and even the penalties of providing alcohol to minors”. Then there is the proverbial eye roll from my son. His response, “I know mom!” I’m okay with the “I know mom” because that is my clue that he has heard me. Difficult discussion done! We recently celebrated Connor’s 20th birthday and I took advantage of the rare mom and son photo opportunity.

Me and my son, Connor
At Amazing Care Network, we utilize our events as a safe place to discuss difficult topics like end-of-life care, financial transitions through loss, how to age gracefully in place, elder abuse and what you need to know about it, homecare provider panels, how can Physician Friends of the Family help and the list goes on. Check out our event blogs for highlights on each of our event topics. Our guest speakers are experts in their fields of study and provide a plethora of information to the members and their guests. These engaging events not only provide networking opportunities for our members to meet and share their stories. They also provide useful tools to help navigate the aging process. Whether you are personally dealing with these changes or are helping family and friends navigate these difficult topics, having a safe place to ask questions, share and learn is invaluable. ACN is committed to providing high quality, relevant speakers for our members.
You have three opportunities in September to attend thought-provoking, insightful and informative events. In the Los Angeles and San Diego areas, Wendi Burkhardt, CEO and Co-Founder of Silvernest will be sharing creative ways to age in place. In the Bay area, Sarah Lorentz, Pharm.D., UCSD Skaggs Clinical School of Pharmacy will share about medication therapy management and how your pharmacist can interact with you. Check out the invites at the links above.
We are working on our 2018 speakers and topics this month and would love to hear from you. What topics would you like to see on our calendar this year?
As always, make it an amazing month.
~ Dawn
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