When I talk about Amazing Care and why social networks matter especially as we age, I am reminded that aging well is a group sport.  That theme has been reinforced by stories of friends caring for relatives and friends some of whom have lived a quiet life of marvelous independence and also social isolation.

I’ve just read the Public Policy and Aging Report published by The Gerontological Society of America (Vol. 27, No. 4, 2017) and some of the findings may surprise you.  Among the most noteworthy are the following:

* Being socially connected significantly reduces the risk for premature mortality

* Conversely, lack of social connectedness increases the risk of premature mortality and those risks exceed those associated with such risk factors as smoking and obesity.

* Trends point to growing levels of loneliness as we age, driven by living alone, being unmarried, not participating in social groups, and living in smaller households.

* Finally, lack of social connectedness have undesired physical and mental health outcomes and limitations in functional status

The name “Amazing Care Network” intentionally describes one of our key goals:  to help us develop new connections and maintain the ones we cherish.  Our events (luncheons and Afternoon Teas) enable us to meet people with similar interests and to have a safe forum for tough conversations.  Our hope is that everyone’s social network will grow and defy conventional wisdom that networks shrink as we age.


Here’s to your growing network!

~ Cora, CEO and Founder

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