Amazing Care Network is a membership organization that provides you and your loved ones the support we all need as we go through life. When you plan well and interact with others who may be dealing with the same issues, the path is much smoother.
ACN brings together services and resources while also providing a network of like-minded people to help preserve grace, dignity, and independence for those who are aging or living with illness. Membership offers you, your family, and your caregivers access to unique services, a savings program that may pay for items that are not covered by medical and long-term care insurance and most importantly, the knowledge, resources and support of others.
Join at any age. Our members range from 19 and up — there is no ‘right’ time to join. Join as an individual or with a group. Employer memberships are a well appreciated addition to employee benefit packages.
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Increased well-being: Another reason to try yoga
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning— refreshed and ready to go, or groggy and grumpy? As many as one in four Americans sleeps less than six hours a night. Insufficient
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How sleep deprivation can cause inflammation
Sleep deprivation is a condition that occurs when you don't get enough sleep, or enough good quality sleep. While it affects mood, memory, and energy, it can also contribute to inflammation. Research has found