The COVID-19 epidemic has resulted in mobility limits among the elderly, creating substantial risk factors and compromising physical health. As a result, one of the primary issues that Amazing Care Network took up is “Falls.” Falls have become more common among the elderly during the pandemic, resulting in adverse health consequences.
Therefore, to help facilitate change and raise awareness, Amazing Care Network hosted an interactive webinar featuring Cora Tellez in conversation with Dr. Rocco Salviola, medical pioneer and founder of RSA Medical. The webinar enlightened the viewers about the dangers of falling and how to avoid them. It aims to provide an overview of falls and help you take prevention to minimize the risks.
Dr. Rocco Salviola
Dr. Rocco Salviola Biography
Rocco returned home following his time in the Naval Medical Corps to begin searching for a mainstream medical position. Little did he know that he would soon discover his passion for ancillary medicine. Rocco answered an ad to work with a company called Portamedic, and that decision created a passion within him that led to the start of RSA Medical in 1995. Rocco had a deep desire to bring lessons learned during his military service to RSA Medical, which ultimately dominated the life and health landscape. He soon became obsessed with the idea that technology could be merged with human health care needs to not only effect change within our industry but also bring a level of prospective knowing to the industry in which we serve.
Over the next 20 years, RSA Medical would become the critical component to nearly every national health payor in the country operations. Powered by its proprietary MedGine platform and individualized patient-engagement capabilities, RSA Medical used population health-focused data analytics that enable health plans to support early identification of medical conditions and other risk factors, increasing payors’ ability to help their members maintain wellness and manage chronic medical conditions. RSA Medical ultimately was sold to Xerox Healthcare in 2015. Rocco remained at RSA Medical for a year following the sale to make sure the transition went smoothly.
In 2016, Rocco experienced a personal tragedy that led to his obsession with the fall epidemic facing older adults each day. To help aging adults take control of their independence and to reduce the tragic statistic of 1 in 4 older adults falling each year, Harmony Health was born.
Health is not merely a science. It’s an art. It doesn’t consist of compounding pills, plasters, or therapy. It deals with the very processes of life, which patients must understand before they can be guided. Harmony Health believes that the science of medicine consists of engaging the patient, merging technology, and allowing both to work in Harmony with each other.
Harmony uses a 5-point assessment program for fall risk prevention that’s based on an FDA-cleared mobile balance testing system that has reinvented the way patients are screened and monitored for balance-related dysfunction. Our data will empower primary care physicians to know and understand the risks associated with their patient and be able to make rapid adjustments as needed. Our hope is that through this pioneering technology, we can help protect the greatest generation from preventable tragedy.