Alcoholism and Older Adults
Some people are under the notion that alcohol abuse is limited to young adults, but many older adults abuse drugs and particularly alcohol. Younger people are more likely to abuse illicit substances and older
How can you help a loved one suffering from loneliness?
You are worried about your mother. Before the pandemic, you would visit her every week with your young children. They loved playing in her garden and eating homemade cookies together. You would take your mother
Healthy Aging Month
Healthy Aging Month is observed this year in September. The theme of this month is to celebrate it by reinventing yourself. This annual observance focuses on the positive aspects of growing older. The mission
September’s Letter From The CEO
Hello Friends! As many of you know my home, as well as Sterling’s corporate offices are in Oakland, California. The wildfires near us have caused enormous loss of property and worse, lives of some firefighters
Friendships in the Later Years
As I get older, I understand how important it is to foster healthy relationships. As a teenager, I saw how easy it was for people to be in “cliques” and seemingly have those relationships
Cataract Awareness Month
In honor of Cataract Awareness Month, it will be wise to get your eyes checked. Unfortunately, many insurance companies do not cover optical care, but you may find great value in taking care of
August’s Letter From The CEO
Greetings Friends! Given the continuing drumbeat of tough and depressing news about the pandemic and its effects on the economy, society at large, and individuals and families, I find myself working harder than ever to
How to Broach the Topic of Death and Dying with Family and Friends
From personal experience, I’ve found that talking about issues related to death and dying is, in large part, an unwanted subject. It’s one that I’ve seen be avoided like the plague. The fact is
When to worry about worrying
There is no shortage of things to worry about --- from personal concerns about job security or health, to fears related to larger issues such as political conflicts or natural disasters. Temporary anxiety can be
Amazing 91 year old gymnast – Johanna Quaas Video Courtesy Of Georgia Johanna Quaas is the world's oldest active gymnast representing Germany at age 91! She has so much grace and fluidity, it's really amazing to watch!
Herbal and Prescription Interaction Awareness Month
Doctors prescribe prescription medications for their patients daily. Most will check to see if their patients are taking any other prescriptions that could be contraindicative to what they want to prescribe. In doing so,
July’s Letter From The CEO
Hello Friends! I trust that July finds you and yours healthy and safe. As for me, I’ve gotten into a routine that helps me adjust to working from home and enables me to put boundaries
You Are Too Old to Have Sex!!!
Just kidding! It amazes me that I’m still around people who think it’s strange that people over the age of 60 are “still” having sex…like it’s unheard of or taboo. Yes, there are people
Caregivers Span All Generations
Trends are changing when it comes to the demographics of people serving as caregivers for their loved ones, but so is the availability of support resources. A new study from the National Alliance for Caregiving