Just kidding! It amazes me that I’m still around people who think it’s strange that people over the age of 60 are “still” having sex…like it’s unheard of or taboo. Yes, there are people who meet, get married, procreate, and that’s that in the sexual department! That certainly is the case for some people, and that’s totally their business. I trust that’s not everyone’s story though. When people say they cannot envision older adults having sex for pleasure, I just laugh and let them know that they are misinformed.

Having sex from my perspective may be very different from yours. There are so many “colors” and “flavors” that come to mind when talking about sex. Some say that having sex is about sexual intercourse. That sounds nice although the act of having sex or being sexual doesn’t have to require penetration. It doesn’t even have to require the presence of another person. You can have a healthy sexual relationship with yourself!

As we age, our bodies will experience changes and some changes may happen sooner than later for us. There are women who experience difficult hormonal changes with menopause. Some men may have trouble keeping an erection. We may gain weight and not feel sexy or handsome. We may take medications that affect our libido (that sexual drive within). Diet, depression, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, incontinence, heart conditions, and surgeries are some things that can make it uncomfortable or undesirable to think about having sex.

I read about Ramjit Raghav who, at 94 years old, fathered his first child and then had another little one when he was 96 years old. I don’t know if this is true, but it’s said that he claims to have sex 3 times a day. While one may not maintain the same lustful nature, it doesn’t mean that one is too old to have sex. Let’s chat about this more at our forum here:
